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                                 NAMDA FELTED RUGS

Namdah are felted rugs that are made by  enmeshing layers of evenly laid wool fibers with the help of moisture(by sprinkling water), soap and mechanical pressure applied by the body: a sheet is formed by constant to and fro rolling motion .The resultant fabric sheet is then embroidered and patterned in kashmir .the wool and cotton basic material which is used in namda felted rugs is first weighted .the wool as per namda felted rugh is very important, it helps  in deciding  the density in relation to the area or size of the namda

                 NAMDA FELTED RUGS                      
carding is the most important process in namda felted rugs making, these days carding is done by machines ,but early carding was done by hand with an equipment know as dun Carded wool is then spread onto the straw mat (wagu) by a wooden stick known as cheit .after spreading the wool is pressed with equipment know as panja Hot soapy water is evenly sprinkled onto the wool fibers with the help of jug and broom so that fibers can felt evenly all over the namdah. Soap acts as a catalyst in getting the fiber interlocked . Locally this process is called aab dun. Aab means water.

                       NAMDA FELTED RUGS
The wool fibers are rolled along with the straw mat and then tied with the roap the wool fibers in the roll straw mat are then rolled and pressure is applied by feet.In this process fibers start felting with each other. At this stage the fibers get loosely interlocked and form a soft felt sheet The technical term for the local term mandun is milling. In lathdun agitation with feet allows the fibers the fibers get loosely interlocked. At the lathdun stage the felt sheet formed is still soft .during the mandun process soap is applied on to the soft felt sheet vigorously. In the  mandun process the fibers get interlocked more closely and permanently. The mandun process is done with the help of wrists the namdah sheet is rubbed  for 1 hour with a soap bar.

                         NAMDA FELTED RUGS
Once the length and width comes to desired size,the namdah is again rolled, tied and kept under the running water,so that all the soap gets washed away,soap is alkaline and is harmful for protein fibers like wool thus it has to be washed thorougly.the felt sheet is rolled so that each layer in the roll is washed. The washed namdah is taken for dyeing.To improve the fastness and brightness of the color, sulphuric acid is used in acid. sulphuric acid also helps in increasing the temperature of water  required for dyes to penetrate and remain fast the dyes pigment are measured according to the weight of the felt sheet and the required dept of color.

             NAMDA FELTED RUGS



  1. Millions of artisans in the State of Uttar Pradesh, both men and women, skillfully craft a variety of materials ranging from cotton, wool, silk yarn, thread, fabric, clay, glass, stone, wood, bone, horn, brass, gold, silver, various metals, gemstones, paper, flowers, cane, bamboo, grass, jute, leather, marble, paint, ink, dyes, resin, wax, others into a wide range of exquisite products for home & abroad.

    The Photo Gallery will showcase the repertoire of over one hundred arts and crafts from across the 75 districts of UP. This is the first comprehensive mapping of the State’s craft heritage. It is also perhaps UP’s first initiative to take the arts from museums & elite galleries to a government public space for ready and easy access by all citizens. The objective is to increase awareness, promote & preserve the rich crafts traditions of the State and recognition of the hardworking artisans.

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