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Walnut woodcarving in kashmir: Kashmir is the valley of artisans, where many art forms find their roots. One such art which remains an integral part of the valley’s culture is the walnut woodcarving. Artisans design and craft various products from walnut wood, which are then sold in international and domestic markets.

Walnut woodcarving in kashmir

Kashmir is the only region in India bestowed with the presence of majestic walnut trees. The walnuts from Kashmir are famous worldwide for their richness and taste. Another aspect of the walnut tree is the beautiful carving that it hosts.
Locally known as the ‘doon’ tree, walnut wood is hard and durable. It is a close-grained and even-textured wood, which facilitates fine and detailed carving work. Walnut wood also has an inherent sheen which comes out on its own when polished with wax or spirit, making the final product even more aesthetically pleasing.
Walnut woodcarving is believed to have been introduced in Kashmir by Islamic missionary Sheikh Hamza Makhdoom during the reign of Zainul Abdideen in the 15th century. The king promoted the art in order to improve the valley’s economy. Over time, this became a very popular and well-loved art form and the ever-blooming market for these beauties kept bringing in wealth and employment for the artisans of the region, until a few decades ago.
The craft was initially restricted to the creation of elaborate palaces and houses. Historical records tell of Zain-ul-Abadin`s great razdani, palace, and its elaborate wood carvings. To this date, several fine examples of intricately carved buildings, shrines and mausoleums survive in Kashmir, for instance, the shrines of Noor-ud-din-Wali at Charar-e-Sharif, the Naqshaband mosque and the shrine of Nund Rishi are just a few of them.
Over time the art form moved on from elaborate creations to a whole range of contemporary products across a wide spectrum.

                                                         Walnut woodcarving

The walnut woodcarving in Kashmir employs a process of carving by hand, performed very carefully and delicately, in a number of different styles, by means of varied tools fabricated locally depicting forms and motifs depicting the varied Flora and Fauna of the region in a highly styled manner, and designs that have evolved over a period of centuries.
Walnut wood logs to be used for carving are cut into planks of desired thickness with the help of a machine locally known as “Bandsaws” and the process is locally known as “Laker Chiren.
Planks are then cut out from these logs and stacked up to dry naturally allowing air to pass through them. The walnut planks are then kept in an erect standing position so that sap in the plank drips out, a process that takes 4 to 6 months. It is crucial to do complete this step of the process properly because it is only the wood that is dried completely, which is eligible for carving.

                                       Walnut woodcarving process

During the process of carving, the walnut undergoes a series of steps:

1) Inscribing (Lyeakhun): The first step in the journey of carving, it is the inscribing of the motif to be done on wood, onto the walnut wood with the help of a pencil which serves as the baseline for the Naqash.
2) Beating (Dagun): This step involves digging out the material according to the drawn pencil lines. It is done with the help of chisels called “Daagi Voul” and a mallet called “Thaap”.
3) Zameen kadun: This step involves a deeper digging around the motifs so as to obtain the required depth of relief.
4) Giving Shape (Guzar dyun): In this step, a broader outline is given to the inner intricacies within the motif, which determines the actual shape to be given to motifs.
5) Texture (SumbKadun): This is the final step in the carving of the walnut wood using “sumb”, which is a nail-like tool with teeth like structure.
6) Polishing and Furnishing: The last step is polishing and furnishing given to the item before it can be sent out to market. The person engaged with this is called “Roshan gaar”.
Walnut wood furniture has a global appeal. The wood industry of Kashmir has been brought to the notice of the international arena because of these excellent pieces of woodcarving which enjoy immense popularity all over the world.
In today’s Contemporary market, Kashmiri walnut carving is recognizable because of color and tone and its combination with the local craftsmanship depicting certain established motifs in a miniaturized form in traditional established styles which have given this art form its distinguished and unique place.

                                          Walnut woodcarving


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